Time en block
Sep, 20002000
Slavery Era Insurance Policies Act - California California, USAIn September 2000, the state of California passes the 'Slavery Era Insurance Policies Act' that requires insurance companies to report of any records pertaining to slaveholder insurance policies issued by any predecessor corporation during the slavery era.
Aug, 20012001
UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (UNWCAR) Durban, South AfricaFrom 31 August to 8 September 2001, representatives from member states of the UN, as well as other interested parties, meet to discuss and promote the struggle against racism, resulting in the publication of the Durban Declaration (2001) in which the right to reparations is recognized.
May, 20022002
Slavery Era Insurance Policies Act - Registry Report California, USAIn May 2002, the 'Slavery Era Insurance Registry Report' is submitted to the California Legislature, leading to the disclosure that number of insurance companies still operating in the state of California had previously issued slaveholder insurance policies.
Oct, 20022002
Afrikans and Afrikan Descendants World Conference Against Racism Bridgetown, BarbadosFrom 2 to 6 October 2002, a follow-up conference to the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (UNWCAR) is held in Barbados, entitled the 'Afrikans and Afrikan Descendants World Conference Against Racism'.