About the INOSAAR


What is the INOSAAR?

The International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR) is an independent and voluntary reparations consultancy and advocacy group. We act as a self-organizing cross-community bridging agency.  

We were born out of the mutually respectful engagement of scholars and activists in collaboration with communities of Afrikan reparations interest who have been involved in the glocal building of the International Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) in link with the Peoples’ Reparations International Movement (PRIM). 

We are sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), as part of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–24).  

Our group was founded in 2017 as a collaborative project of scholars and activists seeking to harmonise efforts on Afrikan reparations within various institutional and community spaces, including those associated with the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Coalition in Europe (PARCOE) as well as the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK, and Boston University, USA. 

Our initial aim was to assist in the consolidation of a growing global Afrikan reparations movement, recognized by some as the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) by uniting activists and scholars on an international scale, while developing a strong youth-led base to ensure the movement’s sustainability. In all that we do, we recognize the long history of reparations activism, such as the pan-Afrikanist struggle and its desire to unite the Afrikan continent, unify Black people of Afrikan heritage and bring an end to the multiple forms of anti-Black racism, including Afriphobia. In particular, we recognize the centrality of the Abuja Proclamation of 1993 which called ‘upon the international community to recognize that there is a unique and unprecedented moral debt owed to the Afrikan peoples which has yet to be paid’.   


Our advocacy is conducted through the creation of forums in which different voices from around the world are brought into conversation, for example through workshops, seminars and international conferences. The work conducted in these spaces is part of our collective action-based learning. Scholars, activists, artists, political leaders, community leaders and many others engage in knowledge exchange and mutual education, rooted in our Principles of Participation and its emphasis on cognitive justice, or the equity of all knowledges. Collectively, we seek to provide education on the need for reparatory justice from Afrikan heritage perspectives and challenge political and media disinformation about the meaning of reparation. 


In terms of consultancy, we provide strategic advice on key issues relating to reparations and reparatory justice in terms of its meaning, history and necessity. We have been called upon to write supporting papers for political parties, contribute to high-level reports, set up community-based consultations and assist with activist-led campaigns. This work is based on our collaborations with, and commitment to, the voices and perspectives of Afrikan Heritage Communities of Reparatory Justice Interest and related campaigns, such as the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide campaign.   

Our Aims 

  1. To establish a recognisable network consisting of registered participants with a commitment to adhering to its rules, principles and obligations; 
  2. To advocate for reparations by providing global legitimacy and visibility to the broad spectrum of viewpoints relating to reparations and reparatory justice, and the diversity of their exponents; 

  3. To act as a consultancy for international bodies, parties, public institutions, community groups and others on matters relating the reparatory justice for Afrikan enslavement and its legacies today; 

  4. To challenge public and political misconceptions and disinformation about reparations and reparatory justice for Afrikan enslavement, which are too often reduced to a ‘pay cheque’, by providing academically rigorous outputs and materials for public and specialist consumption (such as reports, articles, podcasts etc.); 

  5. To build and expand our knowledge-production partnerships with individuals and groups committed to Afrikan reparations by establishing equitable, enduring and international partnerships;  

  6. To provide opportunities for bilateral knowledge exchange rooted in cognitive justice and shaped by our respect for the multiplicity of knowledges, with the longer-term view of contributing positively to the work of grassroots and activist organisations and the building of the ISMAR in link with the PRIM; 

  7. To ensure that the structure, space and themes of our events, workshops, meetings, conferences, fora etc. always respect the needs and requirements of Afrikan Heritage Communities; 

  8. To support the development of youth and student engagement, involvement and proactivity through the creation of a youth-led auxiliary fellowship, popularly known as RepAfrika, and the establishment of a related mentorship scheme; 

  9. To support the struggle for the voluntary rematriation/repatriation for peoples of Afrikan descent to any Afrikan country of their choice, with due respect for indigenous communities and their own reparations interests, through the granting of citizenship, the removal of visa and customs requirements, and the creation of socio-economic, political and cultural reinsertion programmes in harmony with those already domiciled in such countries.

Note that data produced through the collaborative efforts of the INOSAAR is co-owned by its members and is for use by its members. 


Principles of Participation

To become an INOSAAR member or add your name to our email list, please contact us at inosaar@ed.ac.uk or through our Twitter account or Facebook page

Alternatively, click here to complete a membership form.

Download the Principles of Participation PDF to find out more about our shared ethics and expectations.



INOSAAR is sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
