

Rethinking  Reparations for Afrikan Enslavement as Rematriation


To launch our new Arts and Humanity Council (AHRC)-funded project on ‘Rethinking Reparations for Afrikan Enslavement as Cultural, Spiritual and Environmental Repairs’, the International Network of Scholars & Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR) held a three-hour workshop on 15 July 2021, entitled ‘REMATRIATION:  Rethinking  Reparations for Afrikan Enslavement as Pan-Afrikan Envisioned Repairs Highlighting  Cultural, Spiritual  and Environmental Return to Mother  Earth’ .

A message of solidarity and support


In these troubled times, where we are witnessing first-hand the ravages that the afterlives of colonialism and slavery continue to wreak upon society, the International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR) would like to send a message of solidarity and support to all of our members, as well as those on our mailing list and beyond. We hope you are well and safe. 

Re-thinking Inclusive Scholarship: Universities as Platforms for Social Justice, Restoration and Repair


Written by Daivi Rodima-Taylor (Boston University, African Studies Center) and Joyce Hope Scott (Boston University, African American Studies Program and the International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparatons, INOSAAR)

In Praise of the Panther King: A Eulogy to de Kpoto-Zounme HAKPON III, King of Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin


Hawé, Hawé, Hawé.  The King has traveled to Allada!! A great tree has fallen in the forest!! 

“Family, family, family, when great trees fall,” and “rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker down in tall grasses… even elephants lumber after safety. When great trees fall in forests, small things recoil into silence, their senses eroded beyond fear” (“When Great Trees Fall, Rocks on Distant Hills Shudder,” Poet Maya Angelou Remembers Jazz Pioneer Max Roach).